Starting Your Yoga Journey

Whether you're looking to explore your mind and
body, dive into ancient teachings and philosophies, or simply take time out for yourself, yoga offers a multitude of benefits for people of all ages and abilities. In this guide, we'll explore what yoga is, what to expect in your first class, and how to begin our journey at Sasana Yoga Studio

What Is Yoga?

Contrary to popular belief, there is far more to yoga than just the physical postures that many would envision. The Sanskrit word ‘yoga’ is a term used to encompass ‘union’ and ‘discipline’, and the practice itself has many facets that stem from a long and rich lineage, originating in India. 

A typical yoga class in our modern-day society is a discipline that integrates a series of asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and often dhyana (meditation), along with additional philosophical principles to explore. Each class will be influenced by not only its ‘style’ (e.g. Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin) but also its facilitator who may have a specific theme or intention in mind.

The impacts of yoga are both plentiful and paramount. You may notice an array of physical benefits like improved flexibility, strength and posture, mental benefits including stress reduction and relaxation, and emotional benefits such as enhanced self-awareness and mood regulation. With practice, yoga allows us to deepen and develop our mind-body connection and become more aware of ourselves. 

What To Expect At Your First Class 

At Sasana, we have a number of different offerings available each week. To help you decide which classes you might like to begin with, you can read each of our Class Style descriptions here! All classes are beginner-friendly and will offer modifications for different levels, however, we do recommend starting with a slower-paced class like Mindful Movement or Slow Flow so that you have more time to explore the asanas and become familiar with their names and shapes.  

The studio will open 10-15 minutes before each class and your teacher will welcome you into the space. You will have the opportunity to use the on-site amenities, have a cup of tea, gather any necessary props (mats, blocks, bolsters, and blankets will be available for you to use at no extra cost), and you’ll also be able to chat to your teacher. This is a great opportunity to let them know that you are new to the practice.

During your class, you will be visually and verbally guided through movement and breathwork based on the class style. Should you consent to physical adjustments, your teacher may also offer you physical support in your asanas. If at any point you need help, you can gesture towards your teacher for assistance.

Towards the end of class, you will be guided towards a final resting posture (usually corpse pose, Savasana). Here, you will be encouraged to relax your body completely and release any tension for the remainder of the class. If you’ve never done this before, you may be surprised to learn that this last few minutes of class requires nothing of you. Release, relax, and bathe in the energy you feel circulating in your body. Your teacher will guide your awareness back when the class finishes.

After your class, you are encouraged to move slowly rather than racing back into your day. Take your time and notice how your body feels, as well as the quality of your thoughts. You may experience some notable changes instantly, and others over the course of time and practice.

Helpful Tips

  • Give yourself ample time before and after your class

  • Talk to your teacher! Tell them you are new to the practice and if you have any injuries

  • Modify your practice according to your body

  •    Wear comfortable clothing

  • Avoid eating big meals before class and stay hydrated

  • Try different class styles and different teachers! You may find that there are particular class styles that your body craves and certain teachers that you really resonate with

  • Commit to non-judgement of yourself and others

  • Acknowledge that your practice will look and feel different each day

  • Be kind to yourself and others

Embarking on a yoga journey as a beginner can be deeply moving and rewarding. By incorporating yoga into your routine, you're not only investing in your physical health but also nurturing your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being too. Remember, yoga is a personal practice, and there's no one-size-fits-all. So, roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and let us help you to find a practice that works for you. 

Our special Intro Pass is ready to purchase online and gives you 30 days of unlimited access to all Sasana classes. If you have any other questions about getting started, check out our FAQ page, and contact us if there is anything we can help you with!

We look forward to moving with you!

Love and warmth,
The Sasana Yoga Family




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