Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds


Did you know that $2 from every Sasana Eco Product sold and Sasana Yoga Workshop booked is donated to Djirra?

For thousands of years, First Nations Peoples have nurtured community, culture and Country.

When we step into our studio, operate our Sasana Eco line, and come together to share the practices of yoga, we do so on Aboriginal land. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded and we pay our respects to the traditional custodians of the land on which our community exists, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

Djirra is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation that offers practical support to all Aboriginal women, and particularly to Aboriginal people who are currently experiencing family violence, or have done in the past. The work they do is predominantly designed by and for Aboriginal women.

With it’s roots stemming back to 2002, they were first established as the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention & Legal Service (FVPLS Victoria). Djirra has since grown, expanded their services, and evolved to become what it is today, supporting First Nation’s Peoples with;

  • Prevention of Family Violence

  • Cultural and Wellbeing Workshops

  • Koori Women’s Place

  • Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service

  • Support Services

  • Policy and Advocacy

We commit to supporting this cause so that this remarkable group can continue what they do for years to come. You can read more on this incredible initiative here, and support our donations when buying anything from our line of Sasana Eco Products here and booking into any of our workshops (check out whats on here).

Always was, always will be.

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Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds

Starting Your Yoga Journey

Whether you're looking to explore your mind and
body, dive into ancient teachings and philosophies, or simply take time out for yourself, yoga offers a multitude of benefits for people of all ages and abilities. In this guide, we'll explore what yoga is, what to expect in your first class, and how to begin our journey at Sasana Yoga Studio

What Is Yoga?

Contrary to popular belief, there is far more to yoga than just the physical postures that many would envision. The Sanskrit word ‘yoga’ is a term used to encompass ‘union’ and ‘discipline’, and the practice itself has many facets that stem from a long and rich lineage, originating in India. 

A typical yoga class in our modern-day society is a discipline that integrates a series of asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and often dhyana (meditation), along with additional philosophical principles to explore. Each class will be influenced by not only its ‘style’ (e.g. Vinyasa, Hatha, Yin) but also its facilitator who may have a specific theme or intention in mind.

The impacts of yoga are both plentiful and paramount. You may notice an array of physical benefits like improved flexibility, strength and posture, mental benefits including stress reduction and relaxation, and emotional benefits such as enhanced self-awareness and mood regulation. With practice, yoga allows us to deepen and develop our mind-body connection and become more aware of ourselves. 

What To Expect At Your First Class 

At Sasana, we have a number of different offerings available each week. To help you decide which classes you might like to begin with, you can read each of our Class Style descriptions here! All classes are beginner-friendly and will offer modifications for different levels, however, we do recommend starting with a slower-paced class like Mindful Movement or Slow Flow so that you have more time to explore the asanas and become familiar with their names and shapes.  

The studio will open 10-15 minutes before each class and your teacher will welcome you into the space. You will have the opportunity to use the on-site amenities, have a cup of tea, gather any necessary props (mats, blocks, bolsters, and blankets will be available for you to use at no extra cost), and you’ll also be able to chat to your teacher. This is a great opportunity to let them know that you are new to the practice.

During your class, you will be visually and verbally guided through movement and breathwork based on the class style. Should you consent to physical adjustments, your teacher may also offer you physical support in your asanas. If at any point you need help, you can gesture towards your teacher for assistance.

Towards the end of class, you will be guided towards a final resting posture (usually corpse pose, Savasana). Here, you will be encouraged to relax your body completely and release any tension for the remainder of the class. If you’ve never done this before, you may be surprised to learn that this last few minutes of class requires nothing of you. Release, relax, and bathe in the energy you feel circulating in your body. Your teacher will guide your awareness back when the class finishes.

After your class, you are encouraged to move slowly rather than racing back into your day. Take your time and notice how your body feels, as well as the quality of your thoughts. You may experience some notable changes instantly, and others over the course of time and practice.

Helpful Tips

  • Give yourself ample time before and after your class

  • Talk to your teacher! Tell them you are new to the practice and if you have any injuries

  • Modify your practice according to your body

  •    Wear comfortable clothing

  • Avoid eating big meals before class and stay hydrated

  • Try different class styles and different teachers! You may find that there are particular class styles that your body craves and certain teachers that you really resonate with

  • Commit to non-judgement of yourself and others

  • Acknowledge that your practice will look and feel different each day

  • Be kind to yourself and others

Embarking on a yoga journey as a beginner can be deeply moving and rewarding. By incorporating yoga into your routine, you're not only investing in your physical health but also nurturing your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being too. Remember, yoga is a personal practice, and there's no one-size-fits-all. So, roll out your mat, take a deep breath, and let us help you to find a practice that works for you. 

Our special Intro Pass is ready to purchase online and gives you 30 days of unlimited access to all Sasana classes. If you have any other questions about getting started, check out our FAQ page, and contact us if there is anything we can help you with!

We look forward to moving with you!

Love and warmth,
The Sasana Yoga Family

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Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds

Navigating Change

How Yoga can support us through times of change and uncertainty

As we reflect on the Summer’s end and welcome the season ahead, we are reminded of the continuous changes that occur in both our internal and external worlds. Despite its inevitability, change can often leave us feeling like we are traversing unexpected and uncharted waters. Thankfully, during these times of transition, we can find solace and guidance in the ancient philosophies that shape our yoga practice.

1. Embrace Anitya (Impermanence)

The world around us is in a constant state of change, subject to alteration and adaptation. When we accept anitya (impermanence or transience) and recognise that change is often a part of growth and evolution, we surrender to what we cannot control and free ourselves from attachment to specific outcomes. With this, we can better embrace the flow of life, becoming more resilient to change.

2. Connect with the Atman (our true Self)

There exists an unchanging and underlying essence within us - the Atman, the true Self. Through self-inquiry and the practice of Yoga both on and off the mat, we cultivate awareness of this true Self, and develop our ability to stay grounded within ourselves amidst the fluctuations of the external environment.

3. Establish Routine

When a structured and consistent schedule is not entirely possible, we can still find comfort in those small moments of familiarity such as showering, making our beds, and sipping our morning coffee. Identifying these foundational moments in our day can help to anchor us amidst uncertainty, reduce anxiety and provide a sense of comfort in predictability.

4. Practice Ahimsa (non-violence)

Practicing ahimsa, or non-violence, involves cultivating compassion, kindness, and understanding towards oneself and others. During times of change, it's essential to approach ourselves and others with gentleness and empathy. By refraining from criticism and judgment, we create a supportive environment conducive to healing and growth.

5. Practice Aparigraha (non-attachment)

Aparigraha, or non-attachment, encourages us to release our grip on outcomes, possessions, and identities. By cultivating a mindset of detachment, we become less resistant to change and more open to varying possibilities. This flexibility enables us to adapt more gracefully to shifting circumstances and navigate transitions with greater ease and confidence.

6. Simplify & Declutter

Simplifying and decluttering our physical and mental space can be incredibly beneficial when navigating change. By reducing that which is in excess (e.g. belongings, commitments, and distractions), we make room for clarity and focus. Letting go of unnecessary physical and mental baggage lightens our load and allows us to move forward with greater ease and freedom.

7. Connect with the Earth Element 

The Earth Element is present in both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Although there are differences in how the Earth Element is defined, both systems attribute the Earth element with a sense of stability, grounding, and nourishment.

These two ancient systems teach us that we can support and nourish our bodies from within by adopting lifestyle practices and self-care routines that promote the qualities of the Earth element. During periods of change, we are reminded to eat mindfully, immerse ourselves in nature, nurture ourselves and others, balance giving and receiving, and take time to release physical tension that may be manifesting in the quads, stomach and chest. 

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to navigating change. Much like our natural responses to change will differ, some of these approaches may resonate more than others. What matters is that we acknowledge our unique experiences and invest time in self-inquiry. These tools are always available to guide us through our exploration, when and if we choose to utilise them.

What other ways have you noticed your yoga practice supporting you in your day to day life?

Needing a little extra ‘you time’ this week?
Book your next class here.

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Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds

Celebrating One Year of Sasana Yoga

A love letter and promise to our Community

It is with sincere joy and gratitude that we celebrate a significant milestone - one year of Sasana Yoga Studio. 

As we reflect on this journey together, we are overwhelmed with appreciation for our Community. From the very beginning, our vision was to create a safe space in the heart of Abbotsford; a place known for being free of judgement, encouraging of all abilities and offering transformative yoga experiences. Without the devotion of our teachers, the support from our students and the encouragement from our local community, we may not be where we are today, and we are incredibly grateful.

As we move into this next chapter of Sasana Yoga, we will continue to be guided by our values of sustainability, community and inclusivity, and the profound teachings of Yogic Philosophy.


Our connection to Mother Earth extends beyond the connection that we foster on our mats. We will maintain our commitment to sustainability by providing yoga equipment made from sustainable materials, continue to invest in our Sasana Eco product line, and mindfully assess our ecological footprint. 

Community & Inclusivity

Whether you are only just discovering the benefits of yoga, or are a seasoned practitioner, we will continue to welcome you with open arms and support you in finding an offering that suits your needs. There are no prerequisites or superficial expectations here, nor will there ever be!  Your presence and shared energy is all that is required to nurture what already exists within these walls; a deep-rooted sense of belonging and community. 

Yogic Philosophy

As we tap into the ancient wisdom of yoga, we will continue to acknowledge the rich and beautiful lineage of the Yoga practice, born in India. We will embrace and explore The 8 Limbs of Yoga; yamas, niyamas, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi, and together will deepen our understanding of how these philosophies can support us in our modern day worlds.

To celebrate this milestone, we would love for you to join us at our Open Day on Saturday February 3rd, 2024. Together let’s flow, connect, and celebrate the unity that has defined Sasana Yoga Studio over the past year.

Redeem your Open Day Free Class Credits here, and book in to secure your spot!

From the bottom of our hearts with love and gratitude,
xx The Sasana Yoga Family

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Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds

Green Friday

Be mindful before clicking on your Black Friday check out, can you trust the brands that you are buying are committed to the environment, human rights & sustainability. According to this years 2022 Baptist World Aid Fashion Report, the lowest scores were out of 100 (O being lowest) 2XU was somewhat shocking with zero & Lorna Jane with a score of 20.

For this year’s Black Friday sale we will be doing a Green Friday with 20% off our EcoBottles, these are carbon negative. Also are mindfully shipped with carbon neutral shipping with Sendle.

After all, did you know that approximately 373 million plastic water bottles end up as waste each year, with only 36% of plastic drink bottles being recycled in Australia? Although the majority of plastic bottles are recyclable, the vast majority end up in landfill where they can take up to 1000 years to break down!

Have a single use plastic free Christmas, the environment and global warming will thank you for it. Do what you can as a consumer.

Discount Code: GREENFRIDAY

Sasana EcoBottle 650 Grey
Sasana EcoBottle 650 White

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Tammy Reynolds Tammy Reynolds

Fashion & Sustainability: London Fashion of College

Fashion & Sustainability is a short course through the London College of Fashion. This course is a collaboration between Kering, who are the owners of brilliant designers like Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen and Gucci! It brings your attention to the fact that fashion is the 2nd dirtiest industry in the world. It highlights the impacts of fashion on both social and environmental levels. A huge eye opener for me was the impact of every day items being produced every day by retailers globally. Cow leather having the most impact on the environment from cradle to gate, silk and then cotton. I highly recommend this course for all Retail Buyers, as you can also help reduce the climate change! Course details:

6 weeks, 3 hours a week, Free & Online


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